Princo Instruments - Instruments & Controls
Princo Instruments,
Inc. has
been manufacturing
precision process instruments and controls since 1910.
Current product offerings include: Process Level Controls, Level Transmitters,
Level Switches, Open Channel Flowmeters and Pump Run-Dry Protectors.
Level Controls
The first and only
level control
manufacturer to provide a
"10-year warranty" and
level controls that
satisfy virtually any
Channel Flow
The standard method for determining open channel flow is to measure the
height or HEAD of the liquid as it passes over a weir or flume.
The SmartSonicTM
Open Channel Flowmeter transmitter has built-in programmed
characterization for virtually every standard weir or flume.
Run Dry Protectors ~ Presence Absence Detectors
- obstruction-less
sensing system that monitors the presence or absence
of liquids or solids in all types of process systems, especially suitable for
Protection of progressive cavity and positive displacement pumps.